our projects
- Students sponsorship program for eligible students. Under this program around 40 students received financial assistance monthly during the difficult period. Currently discontinued to support other programs.
- Furnished the student’s lecture hall with state of the art equipments including audio-visuals materials, air conditioning to maintain ambient temperature as well as practical and comfortable furniture. Total cost of the project around US$ 70.000.00 This facility will be used by the students and staff for future conferences, seminar and lectures.
- Supports various student welfare programs which directly or indirectly benefit them.
- Supported Dean’s fund for emergency expenses.
- Supported Jaffna Teaching Hospital Fund for emergency expenses.
- Maintain vital links with Jaffna Medical Faculty as well as Jaffna Teaching Hospital to help the students and staff educational and research activities.
- Bring together individual physicians graduated from Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka who are residing outside of Sri Lanka.
- Organize scientific and educational activities to benefit the members including conducting educational seminars, CME etc.
- Maintain directory for Physicians graduated form Jaffna Medical Faculty who are residing overseas.
- Make contributions to organizations with similar interests which have been approved by JMFOA.
The mission of JMFOA is to improve medical education and the quality of health care in Sri Lanka
Current Projects and Funding
- Initiated and continued a scholarship program for 15 years for low income medical students - $8,000 to $10,000/yr. Phasing out at the end of 2019
- Seed money for Cancer Surveillance in Jaffna by Cancer Care Manitoba. - CAN$ 9,500
- Fundamentals of Critical Care Support (FCCS) certification – $ 3,000
Joined Projects with other chapters
- Contributed to hospital resuscitation program - (Jointly w/ UK) $11,000
- Provided lecture hall with state-of-the-art equipment - (w/ NZ) $15,000
Community Projects and Funding
[Sri Lanka]
- Kidney transplant fund - US $7,480
- Artificial limb project in Mannar - US $17,000
- Dengue project
- Hari Children's Home in Batticaloa - US $5,000
- Autism speaks in US
- Nepal earthquake charity
- Flood relief fund for Tamil Nadu

Past Projects and Activities
Jaffna Medical Faculty and Jaffna Teaching Hospital
- Supported displaced students from Vanni during the war - $7,500
- Subsidized meal program for needy students
- Supported Dean’s fund for emergency expense
- NICU project
- Donated laptop, projectors, stethoscope and anatomy models
- Helped to create website for JMF and MSU
- Purchased spirometer and calibration syringes for Dept. of Medicine and Physiology
- Contributed to Nursing Library
- Sponsored med. students for the International Physiology Quiz contest
- Lecture hall Air Conditioning project - $20,000
- Landscaping for Hoover auditorium grounds
- Contributed towards purchase of land for medical student hostel - $21,000
- Contributed to Yarl Med Ex 2018 (medical exhibition) - $5,000
- Contributed to JUICe 2018 - Jaffna University Int. Research Conference