7h AGM / CME/ Fundraising Dinner
London, UK
July 24, 2011
Holiday Inn, London- Kingston South, Portsmouth Road, Surblton, Surrey, KT6 5QQ, UK
The event was held in London, Kingston South, UK with around 250 members/ well wishers and their families. It started off with Scientific Educational Session in the morning which lasted for more than 4 hours followed by AGM and election of new committee with Dr.Nornan as the new President for 2011-2012. Bylaws amendment was made to accommodate the independent function of the Overseas Alumni Branches form other counties.
The evening session was inaugurated by our chief guest Dr.Nagandra, consultant physician (retired) form Jaffna Teaching Hospital with lighting the lamp. The master of ceremony was Dr.Premachandran form the fist batch of JMF. We had speeches form Dr.Mathiyalagan, President of JMFOA UK branch, Out going President (North America) Dr.Selvaratnam, Secretary/ Treasurer’s reports by Dr.Subakeesan and incoming President Dr.Norman. Prof.Sreeharan gave a guest speech.
The event went on with dinner served followed by of course dance with live music. The members and well wishers were able to pledge substantial amount for the activity of JMFOA and its future mission of helping the alma mater.
On July 26, 2011 more than 100 of our members and their families joined the Italy tour arranged by Dr.Parthipan which covered the important historic landmarks and tourist destinations within the next 6 days.
It was truly an international event with participation of our members form the four corners of the globe. Indeed it made our Alma Mater proud with its successful membership. It gave us the opportunity to meet some of our long lost friends and their families as well as our dedicated staff form Jaffna Medical Faculty.
Continuous Medical Education
[7 am - 1 pm, July 24, 2011]
Program Director: Andy Somesan, M.D
Contact Email: andysomesan@yahoo.com
- 7.00 am- 8.00 am : Registration
- 8.00 am- 9.00 am : “Looking after the Heart.” Challenges facing the Cardiologists in East and West. Dr.S.Manoharan, MBBS, MD, Consultant Cardiologist.
- 9.00 am- 10 am : “Recent Advances in Managing Food Allergy.” Dr.G.Gnanakumaran, MBBS, MRCPCH (UK), Consultant Allergist and Clinical immunology.
- 10.00 am- 11.00 am: “Brest Cancer: Are we winning?.” Dr.J.Subramaniam, MBBS, MD, FRCR. Consultant Radiologist.
- 11.00 am- 12.00 pm: “Quality Medical Education: A physician’s experience.” Panel Discussion: Moderator Dr.K.Parthipan, MBBS,MRCP (Lond) Consultant Physician.
JMFOA Executive Committee
2011 - 2012
- President : Alfret Norman, M.D
- Vice President : M.Sridharan, M.D
- Secretary : S.Karunakaran, M.D
- Asst. Secretary : T.Nanthakumar, M.D
- Treasurer : A. Nagarajah, M.D
- Asst.Treasurer : M.Varatharajah, M.D
- Editor : A.Somesan, M.D
- Committee Members :
- R.Ravichandran, M.D
- P.Subakesan, M.D
- Sinna Selvaratnam, M.D
- Manjula Vijayarajah M.D
- A. Varatharasa, M.D
- S.Sivapalan, M.D
- V. Santhakumar, M.D
- Vigna Rajan, M.D
- New Zealand : S. Selvakumar, M.D
- U.K / Europe : R.Mathiyalagan, M.D
- Australia : S.P.Vijeyakumar, M.D
The CME activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and Policies of Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint sponsorship of the Medical Education Council of Pensacola (MECOP) and Jaffna Medical Faculty Overseas Alumni (JMFOA). The MECOP is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for the physicians and personal responsibility for the contents, quality and scientific integrity of this CME activity. The MECOP designates this educational activity for maximum of 4 AMA/PRA Category I Credit. Physicians only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.