Our beginning

Our beginning

We are a group of scattered individuals who had the common desire to unite and help the needy in the Northern and Eastern part of Sri Lanka in ways we know how from the medical perspective. We have talked about it amongst ourselves for years but nothing had come of it until one person took the initiative and leadership to get us together and help forge an organization. This person is Dr.Santhakuamar, and he deserves our praise and gratitude and we are also indebted to Dr.Sivarajani Indrajith for assisting him.

We met on August 21, 2004 in Toronto as the “inaugural meeting” and JMFOA was born. We had our first elected committee with Dr.Somesan as its first president. Since then we have drafted the constitution and other infrastructure development so that the foundation is laid for us to become stronger and grow faster.

It’s amazing that we have come a long way from the time we inaugurated our organization in 2004 , after almost 42 years of the establishment of our beloved medical school. During this time we managed to expand the boundaries to include several chapters (UK/Europe, USA, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia.) with several members joining our organization through successfully organized sessions and effective networking.   Another mile stone was achieved by the untiring effort of Dr.Somesan, who worked to ensure that Continuing Medical Education (CME) hours during our Annual General Meeting (AGM) scientific session lectures would be accredited from the Florida Medical Council.

We were able to initiate, continue and complete several projects successfully through the hardworking committee and generous membership as well as supportive donors and well- wishers. Thanks for the ground work done by the pioneer committees to get the most needed nonprofit status in the United States of America, Canada, UK as well as Australia/NZ.


So far we are fortunate enough to complete our 16 years of existence and commemorated our 15th International AGM in July/August 2019 in Orlando, FL, USA. Thanks for the overwhelming support we received form the members and well-wishers so much so the event was more than a success. During our previous occasions we were able to organize our AGM across the world including our Alma Mater Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka twice in 2014 and 2018 very successfully with cultural events, educational seminars and class reunions. Fortunately, the 2018 one was coinciding with our 40th anniversary of our Alma Mater. This year the event is postponed because of the existing world crisis of the COVID 19 infection.

The UK/Europe chapter is geared up to host the next AGM in July, 2021. They have already sent a pilot team to ground zero (Jaffna) to assess the educational needs to assist them in educational and research activities. They have several other projects to help our Alma Mater with good faith. We are happy that the Australian Chapter also very active and having their 2nd Annual Sessions with the support of the Australian/ NZ members.